Products Settings

Modified on Thu, 9 Feb, 2023 at 11:47 PM

The Products Settings page allows you to easily create and manage an unlimited number of product settings based on product rules and conditions.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Products Settings

Apply Method

This field controls the application of product settings options. It can be set to one of four options: Apply all valid product settings, Apply first valid product settings, Apply last valid product settings or Do not apply any product settings.

Setting Up Product Settings Option

To create a new product settings option, click the New Product Settings button. You can add as many product settings options as needed.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Products Setting

Misc. Fields (At the top of the panel)

This field lets you enable or disable a product settings option, and determine if it should be applied. 

Admin Note

This field allows you to add notes for your own reference.


This section lets you control the product settings, these include promotional settings such as countdown timer, product badges, pricing table etc. You can add multiple settings here. 


This section lets you control the conditions that must be met in order for the product settings to be considered applicable. 

The All conditions should match option ensures that all conditions must be valid, while the At least one condition should match option only requires one valid condition.

Adding Product Settings

To add a new setting, select the type of setting you wish to add and click the Add Settings button in the Settings section. Then, specify all the settings parameters.

1. Stock Settings

This panel lets you set up stock management settings on the product(s).

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Stock Settings

Manage Stock

This field lets you choose whether or not stock management should be enabled on the product(s).

Stock Status

This field lets you choose whether or not the product(s) are in stock.

Stock Quantity

This field controls the stock quantity of the product(s).

Allow Backorders

This field determines whether or not the product(s) can be back-ordered.

Availability Text

This field controls the product availability message on the product(s).

Is Featured

This field determines whether or not the product(s) is featured.

Sold Individually

This field determines whether or not the product(s) is sold individually.


This section lets you filter the products that the settings apply to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

2. Sale Schedule

This panel lets you set up and manage sale schedules on the product(s).

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Sale Schedule

Schedule Mode

This field lets you choose how the schedule should be created, this works in conjunction with the Specific Date, From/To Date, From/To Time, From/To Date & Time, Days of Week, Days of Month, Months of Year fields.


This section lets you filter the products that the settings apply to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

3. Shipping Settings

This panel lets you set up and manage shipping settings on the product(s).

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Shipping Settings

Is Virtual

This field determines whether or not the product(s) is a virtual product(s).

Needs Shipping

This field lets you choose whether or not the product(s) is shippable

Shipping Class

This field lets you choose which shipping class the product(s) belongs to.


This section lets you filter the products that the settings apply to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

4. Tax Settings

This panel lets you set up and manage tax settings on the product(s).

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Tax Settings

Tax Status

This field lets determines whether or not the product(s) is taxable.

Tax Class

This field lets you choose which tax class the product(s) belongs to.

Price Suffix

This field controls the product(s) tax suffix.


This section lets you filter the products that the settings apply to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

5. Downloads Settings

Use this panel to grant or restrict access to the downloadable files for your customers after the purchase of product(s).


WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Downloads Settings

Is Downloadable

This field determines whether or not the product(s) is a downloadable product.

Download Limit

This field controls the number of allowed downloads of the product(s).

Download Expiry

This field controls the downloads expiry date (in days) of the product(s).

Downloadable Files

Use this section to control access to downloadable files by adding them using the Add File button and providing the file Name and File URL details.


This section lets you filter the products that the settings apply to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

6. Purchase Settings

This panel lets you set up and manage purchase settings on the product(s).

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Purchase Settings

Is Purchasable

This field controls whether or not the product(s) can be purchased by customers.

Minimum Quantity

This field sets the minimum quantity required to purchase the product(s). 

Maximum Quantity

This field determines the maximum quantity of the product(s) that can be purchased in a single order 

Quantity Steps

This field determines the increments in which the product can be purchased, for example, if the field is set to "2," the product can only be purchased in quantities of 2, 4, 6, etc 

Purchase Note

This field controls purchase notes that should be added to the customer's order upon purchasing the product(s). 

Minimum Error Message

This field controls the error message displayed when the minimum quantity requirement for purchasing the product(s) is not met. 

Maximum Error Message

This field controls the error message displayed when the maximum quantity requirement for purchasing the product(s) is not met. 

Add To Cart Text

This field determines the text displayed on the add-to-cart button when the product(s) cannot be purchased.


This section lets you filter the products that the settings apply to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

7. Authorization Settings

This panel allows you to set up authorization controls for the product(s) single page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Authorization Settings

Is Visible

This field determines whether or not the product(s) should be shown on the shop. To hide the product(s), set the field to No.

Is Authorized

This field determines whether or not access to the product(s) single page should be restricted. To restrict access to the product(s), set the field to No.

Restriction Mode

This field lets you set the restriction mode in one of two ways: by displaying an HTTP error or redirecting the user to a destination page, post, or URL

This field is used in conjunction with the HTTP Error Code, HTTP Error Message, Destination Page, Destination Post, Destination URL, HTTP Status Code, and X Redirect By fields.


This section lets you filter the products that the settings apply to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

8. Dimensional Weight

This panel lets you apply a dimensional weight calculator on the product(s).

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Dimentional Weight

Use Dimensional Weight

This field lets you determine whether or not the dimensional weight calculator should be used as product(s) weight.

Weight Calculator

This field lets you choose the dimensional weight calculator. The dimensional weight calculators can be created on the General Settings page.


This section lets you filter the products that the settings apply to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

9. Countdown

This panel allows you to set up countdown timers for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Countdown Timer

Countdown Source

This field determines the countdown timer's source. Use the source for the countdown timer from the following options: Custom countdown, From product sale schedules or From date & time conditions

The From product sale schedules option sets the countdown timer based on the product's sale schedule, while the From date & time conditions option uses the validated Date and/or Time conditions specified in the Conditions section.

Countdown Mode

Set a custom countdown timer using this field. It is available when Countdown Source is set to Custom countdown and works in conjunction with the Specific Date, From/To Date, From/To Time, From/To Date & Time, Days of Week, Days of Month, and Months of Year fields.

Auto Hide Days

This field controls the visibility of the Days box in the countdown timer. When set to Yes, the Days box will be automatically hidden once the countdown reaches 00.

Auto Refresh On Shop Page

Use this field to specify whether or not the countdown timer should refresh the shop page when it ends.

Auto Refresh On Product Page

Use this field to specify whether or not the countdown timer should refresh the product(s) page when it ends. It works in conjunction with the Destination Page, Destination Post, Destination Product and Destination URL fields.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the countdown timer should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the countdown timer should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the countdown timer on the shop page. You can create new designs for the countdown timer on the UI Design > Countdown Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the countdown timer should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the countdown timer should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the countdown timer should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the countdown timer on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the countdown timer on the UI Design > Countdown Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the countdown timer applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

10. Image Countdown

This panel allows you to set up countdown timers for the product(s) thumbnail images on the shop and/or single product page.

The fields in this panel have similar functions to those in the Countdown panel. 

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Image Countdown Timer

11. Product Badge

This panel allows you to set up badges for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Product Badge

Line One Text

Use this field to specify the text that should be displayed as the first line of the product(s) badge.

Line Two Text

Use this field to specify the text that should be displayed as the second line of the product(s) badge. 

Discount - Based On

Use this field to specify the basis for discount calculations. You can choose to base the discounts on regular prices or calculated regular prices.

Applicable To

Use this field to specify whether badges should be displayed on all valid products or only on discounted products.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the product badge should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the product badge on the shop page. You can create new designs for the product badge on the UI Design > Product Badge Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the product badge should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the product badge should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the product badge on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the product badge on the UI Design > Product Badge Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the product badge applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

12. Product Label

This panel allows you to set up labels for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Product Label

Text Mode

Use this field, in conjunction with the Text and Based On fields, to specify the value to be displayed as the label on the product(s).


Use this field to specify the text that should be displayed on the label.

Based On

Use this field to specify the basis for discount calculations. You can choose to base the discounts on regular prices or calculated regular prices.

Replace Previous Labels

Use this field to determine whether previously applied labels from other settings should be replaced with this one.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the label should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the label should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the label on the shop page. You can create new designs for the label on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the label should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the label should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the label should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the label on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the label on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the label applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

13. Product Label List

This panel allows you to set up a list of labels for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Product Label List

Product Labels

This section allows you to add labels to the list. Use the Add Product Label button to add as many labels as needed.

Text Mode

Use this field, in conjunction with the Text and Based On fields, to specify the value displayed as the label on the product(s).


Use this field to specify the text that should be displayed on the label.

Based On

Use this field to specify the basis for discount calculations. You can choose to base the discounts on regular prices or calculated regular prices.

Label - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design for the label on the shop and product page. You can create new designs for the label on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the label list should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the label list should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the label list on the shop page. You can create new designs for the label list on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the label list should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the label list should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the label list should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the label list on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the label list on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the label list applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

14. Product Price Label

This panel allows you to set up price labels for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Product Price Label

Text Mode

Use this field, in conjunction with the Text and Based On fields, to specify the value displayed as the price label on the product(s).


Use this field to specify the text that should be displayed on the price label.

Based On

Use this field to specify the basis for discount calculations. You can choose to base the discounts on regular prices or calculated regular prices.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the price label should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the price label on the shop page. You can create new designs for the price label on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the price label should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the price label should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the price label on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the price label on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the price label applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

15. Product Price Details

This panel allows you to set up price details for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Product Price Details

Show Sales Price

Use this field to specify whether or not sales prices for the product(s) should be included in the price details.

Show Total Discount

Use this field to specify whether or not the total discount for the product(s) should be included in the price details.

Show Additional Pricing

Use this section to specify whether or not additional pricing options for the product(s) should be included in the price details.

Regular Price - Based On

Use this field to specify the basis for the product(s) regular prices. You can choose to base the discounts on regular prices or calculated regular prices.

Total Discount - Based On

Use this field to specify the basis for total discount calculations. You can choose to base the total discounts on regular prices or calculated regular prices. This field works in conjunction with the Show Total Discount field.

Total Discount - Mode

Use this field, in conjunction with the Show Total Discount field, to specify whether to display percentage discount or actual discount amount as total discounts. 

 Additional Pricing Settings

Use this section, in conjunction with the Show Additional Pricing field, to specify the additional pricing settings.

Pricing Adjustment

Use this field to specify how the additional price should be adjusted.


This field lets you specify the amount by which the additional price should be adjusted.

Adjust Amount From

This field determines which product price the amount should be adjusted from. Options include Regular price, Sale price, Calculated regular price, and Calculated sale price.


Percentage Based On

This field specifies the price from which the percentage-based adjustment amount should be calculated. Options include Regular price, Sale price, Calculated regular price, and Calculated sale price.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the price details should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where on the shop page the price details should be displayed.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the price details on the shop page. You can create new designs for the price details on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the price details should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the price details should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the price details should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the price details on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the price details on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the price details applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

16. Product Price Table

This panel allows you to set up a price table for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Product Price Table

Show Calculated Prices

Use this field to specify whether or not calculated prices should be included in the table.

Show Discounts

Use this field to specify whether or not calculated discounts should be included in the table.

Show Discount Percentages

Use this field to specify whether or not percentage discounts should be included in the table.

Price Adjustments

This section lets you manage the price adjustment list. Use the Add Price Adjustment button to add additional price adjustments to the table.

Pricing Title

Use this field to set the title of the price adjustment on the table.

Discount - Based On

Use this field to specify the basis for discount calculations on the table. You can choose to base the discounts on regular prices or calculated regular prices.

Pricing Adjustment

Use this field to specify how the price should be adjusted on the table.


This field lets you specify the amount by which to adjust the price on the table.

Adjust Amount From

This field determines which price the amount should be adjusted from. Options include Regular price, Sale price, Calculated regular price, and Calculated sale price.

Percentage Based On

This field specifies the price from which the percentage-based adjustment amount should be calculated on the table. Options include Regular price, Sale price, Calculated regular price, and Calculated sale price.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the price table should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the price table should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the price table on the shop page. You can create new designs for the price table on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the price table should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the price table should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the price table should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the price table on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the price table on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the price table applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

17. Link Button

This panel allows you to set up a link button for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Link Button

Link Button Text

Use this field to specify the text that should be displayed on the link button.

Link Type

This field allows you to define the type of link for the button, this field operates together with the Destination Product, Destination Post, Destination Page, Destination URL, Pop-Up Window and Target fields.

Pop-Up Window

This field enables selecting a pop-up window for the button. These pop-up windows can be configured on the General Settings page.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the link button should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the link button should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the link button on the shop page. You can create new designs for the link button on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the link button should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the link button should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the link button should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the link button on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the link button on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the link button applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

18. Link Button List

This panel allows you to set up a list of link buttons for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Link Buttons

Link Buttons

This section allows you to add multiple link buttons to the list by using the Add Link Button button as many times as you need.

Link Button Text

Use this field to specify the text that should be displayed on the link button.

Link Type

This field allows you to define the type of link for the button, this field operates together with the Destination Product, Destination Post, Destination Page, Destination URL, Pop-Up Window and Target fields.

Pop-Up Window

This field enables selecting a pop-up window for the button. These pop-up windows can be configured on the General Settings page.

Button - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design for the link button on the shop and product page. You can create new designs for the link button on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the link button list should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the link button list should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the link button list on the shop page. You can create new designs for the link button list on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the link button list should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the link button list should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the link button list should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the link button list on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the link button list on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the link button list applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

19. Inline Enquiry Form

This panel allows you to set up an enquiry form for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Inline Enquiry Form

Enquiry Form

This field lets you specify the form to be displayed. These enquiry forms can be configured on the General Settings page.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the enquiry form should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the enquiry form should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the enquiry form on the shop page. You can create new designs for the enquiry form on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the enquiry form should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the enquiry form should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the enquiry form should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the enquiry form on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the enquiry form on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the enquiry form applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

20. Sale Bar

This panel allows you to set up a sale bar for the product(s) on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Sale Bar

Already Sold Quantity

This field lets you specify the amount of the product(s) that have been sold.

Max. Quantity

This field lets you set the maximum amount of the product(s) available for sale. 

Auto Refresh

This field lets you specify whether or not the sale bar should reload the page when the sale ends.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the sale bar should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the sale bar should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the sale bar on the shop page. You can create new designs for the sale bar on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the sale bar should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the sale bar should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the sale bar should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the sale bar on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the sale bar on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the sale bar applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

21. Text Block

This panel lets add content to product(s) description and other UI elements on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Text Block


This field allows you to define the text to be displayed in the text block. 

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the text block should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the text block should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the text block on the shop page. You can create new designs for the text block on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the text block should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the text block should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the text block should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the text block on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the text block on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the text block applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

22. Heading

This panel lets add a heading to the product(s) description and other UI elements on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Heading

Heading Text

This field lets you set the text to be displayed in the heading.

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the heading should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the heading should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the heading on the shop page. You can create new designs for the heading on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the heading should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the heading should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the heading should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the heading on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the heading on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the heading applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

23. Horizontal Line

This panel lets add horizontal lines to the product(s) description and other UI elements on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Horizontal Line

Show In Shop Loops

Use this field to specify whether or not the horizontal line should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - Location

Use this field to specify where the horizontal line should be displayed on the shop page.

Shop Loops - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the horizontal line on the shop page. You can create new designs for the horizontal line on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the horizontal line should be displayed in. It works in conjunction with the Equals To field.

Show In Product Summary

Use this field to specify whether or not the horizontal line should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - Location

Use this field to specify whether or not the heading should be displayed on the product(s) page.

Product Summary - UI Design

Use this field to choose the UI design of the horizontal line on the product(s) page. You can create new designs for the horizontal line on the UI Design > Other UI Designs page.


This section lets you filter the products that the horizontal line applies to. Use the Add Product button to add a product rule, then specify the rule type and other options. You can add as many product rules as desired.

24. Hide Sale Flash

This panel lets you control the sale flash visibility on the shop and/or single product page.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Hide Sale Flash

Hide In Shop Loop

This field lets you specify whether or not the sale flash should be hidden on the shop page. This field can be used in combination with the Shop Loops and Equals To fields. 

Hide In Product Summary

This field determines whether or not the sale flash should be hidden on the product(s) page.

Shop Loops

Use this field to specify which shop loops the sale flash should be hidden. This field can be used in combination with the Equals To field.

Setting Up Product Settings Per Product

In addition to setting up product settings options globally, you can also set those options for individual products by navigating to the Product Settings tab on the product page.  This allows you to override the global settings and specify unique or additional options for each product.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode - Pricing, Enquiry Forms & Promotions - Product Settings Meta

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